The Tesla Electric Car – A Superhero For Gen X
With an image of a rabid clown, Tesla towered above the rest of the Model S enthusiasts. He was the number one choice when it came to those looking for a next-generation electric car that would be fun to drive, affordable and had a great performance.
It turns out, it was a great choice. In fact, it was chosen as much by Gen X drivers as it was by Generation Y.
The truth is, the Tesla electric car has become a new age cult for many folks. That’s right; many people are now having problems finding it on sale in their local auto dealer and they cannot find it online either. It’s not fair, it’s just the way it is.
So, what is it about this Tesla that makes it a super hero? Sure, its ability to turn on a dime and go 100 miles per hour on a single charge is impressive, but it’s the speed that I’m talking about. We’ve all heard stories of Lexus, BMW and Mercedes drivers going on one to three hours driving sessions without the need to recharge or plug in.
For a world that hates waiting, how about getting home from work and leaving the house with a family member, a date or even a business associate while you can still hear your children screaming out loud? With a battery that can go from zero to 60 in two minutes, you can take your Model S out for a test drive and go back home. You can go shopping, do some sightseeing, or even travel back to your favorite neighborhood.
The only drawback with the Tesla electric car is its long range. Some people would like to get home sooner and it would be nice to save the money in gas by using a charging station at home and have free time to spend with the family. But, to be honest, there are enough Tesla drivers who wish they had a gasoline powered car that the compromise can’t be avoided.
Hopefully in the future, Tesla will produce more of its electric cars. Not only is it important to have a higher level of performance, it’s also important to have more cars.