Is Solar Energy Really a Good Option?
Solar Energy is energy, which are extracted from the sun, and can be used to supply electrical power to your house or to your personal consumption. It has been hailed as the best solution to our dependence on fossil fuels. However it has also attracted some controversies.
As most of us know, this is a natural resource, and it is accessible to all. The only problem is the cost. This makes it the second most expensive fuel behind oil. The question here is whether it is really a good idea to consume it?
Firstly, the technical ability of the solar energy to power up your home depends greatly on its size. A huge array of panels can provide more energy than a smaller one. The second question that pops in your mind is why these big solar panel arrays need to be installed in the first place. The reason is, it needs the panel at all if you want to generate energy for home use. An array can provide the most energy for your home in the early morning and late evening.
You must also remember that the biggest problem with solar energy is its remote location. It is mainly distributed by way of tall wind towers. Because it is so far, there are hardly any existing technologies available that can take advantage of it.
Apart from the fact that the solar energy is quite expensive, one major problem that has been going on for some time now is the insufficient amount of users around the world. Because of this, the prices of solar panels have been increasing and this has led to the growth of cheap energy sources like diesel and kerosene.
But there are a lot of benefits which we can enjoy by getting access to solar energy. There is no pollution, as the panel itself absorbs sunlight and converts it into electricity. There is no wasting of fossil fuels either, as it is a clean source of energy. Furthermore, it is sustainable and can be depended upon to help supply the very basic needs of our home and family.
The problem with using solar energy is that it requires a lot of maintenance. It will require regular cleaning and repainting in order to keep it running smoothly. But this can be easily managed by professional installation.
In conclusion, solar energy can be a great investment for your family. But we must never forget that the upfront cost of setting up a home-based system may not be a good option at all.