Spain’s Audax gets permits to build 5-MWp solar farm in Toledo
Solar Impulse – solar aircraft flight around the world
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Solar Impulse, a solar aircraft is currently on the way to San Francisco and will soon fly over the Golden Gate Bridge. We plan to go to San Francisco to see the spectacle. You find info at
Three years ago, the two pilots came to NASA Ames Moffett Field with the first generation of solar aircraft. This photo is from the lecture they gave at NASA Ames on April 26, 2013.
I processed a balanced HDR photo from one exposure.
— © Peter Thoeny, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, HDR, 1 exposure, NEX-6, DSC01976_hdr1bal1b
By PeterThoeny on 2013-04-26 20:00:47 Spain’s Audax gets permits to build 5-MWp solar farm in Toledo

February 4 (Renewables Now) – Spanish renewables developer and gas supplier Audax Renovables SA (BME:ADX) said it has secured consent and a construction permit to build the 5-MWp Los Arenales solar farm in the Toledo province of Spain.
Los Arenales is one of two mature 5-MWp projects in Toledo that Audax recently acquired from Energy Pool, a PV developer it had used in the past.
Audax said it will immediately start working on details to launch construction soon. The company is now in the process of finalising the EPC contract will Spain-based solar energy specialist Sequoia Renewables.