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<p>Yesterday, Appalachian Power issued a Request for Proposals (RFPs) for up to 300 megawatts (MWs) of solar and/or wind generation resources. The request for bids is the first in a series of RFPs Appalachian Power will issue this year to comply with the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA). </p>
<p>Under the VCEA, Appalachian Power must meet annual targets while working toward 100 percent carbon-free energy in its Virginia service territory by 2050. The company is seeking facilities that are at least 50 MW in size and will be commercially operational by mid-December 2023, although proposals with an operational date of no later than Dec. 15, 2024 will be considered. Bidders may also include proposals with an option for a battery storage system.</p>
<p>Under the RFP, Appalachian Power may acquire a single or multiple solar and/or wind facilities from winning bidders who meet certain economic and operational criteria. Proposals that qualify for federal tax credits are preferred, but not required.</p>
<p>To qualify for consideration, solar projects must be located in Virginia. Wind projects located in Virginia are preferred, but not required. All projects must be interconnected to PJM, the independent regional transmission organization that manages the electric grid in 13 states, including Virginia.</p>
<p>Businesses seeking to submit a proposal can access criteria, required forms, and other specifics <a href=””>here</a>. Proposals must be submitted by March 31, 2021. Any project selected by Appalachian Power through the RFP process is conditional upon and subject to approval by the required regulatory authorities.</p>
<p>Appalachian Power brings power to Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee (as AEP Appalachian Power) and produces approximately 1,099 GWh (gigawatt hours) of energy annually from wind and hydropower. Additionally, AEP produces approximately 32,000 megawatts of diverse generating capacity, including 4,300 megawatts of renewable energy to its customers.</p>
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<p>Driven by higher solar energy and wind production and lower consumer demand, Hawaiian Electric said that achieved a 34.5 percent consolidated renewable portfolio standard (RPS) in 2020.</p>
<p>The 34.5 percent is the consolidated RPS for Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi Island and Maui County, up from 28.4 percent in 2019. Hawaiian Electric exceeded the state requirement to reach 30 percent by 2020 and has more than tripled the amount of renewable energy on its electric grids in 10 years, up from just under 10 percent in 2010.</p>
<p>Even if electricity use had been the same as in 2019, Hawaiian Electric would have still reached a renewable portfolio standard of 32 percent.</p>
<p>“Exceeding the state renewable energy mandate underscores Hawaiian Electric’s commitment to replace imported fossil fuels at a pace that keeps us on the path to be carbon neutral by 2045,” said Scott Seu, president and CEO of Hawaiian Electric. “Despite the challenges of the pandemic, we pressed forward alongside our community, government and renewable energy development partners and our customers.”</p>
<p>The RPS represents the renewable energy used by customers as a percentage of total utility sales. Other 2020 RPS highlights:</p>
<ul><li>Maui County reached 50.8 percent RPS, hitting the 50 percent mark for the first time. With a mix of solar, wind and biofuels, Maui County’s RPS represents a nearly 25 percent increase from 40.8 percent RPS in 2019.</li><li>Oʻahu recorded a 30.5 percent RPS, exceeding 30 percent for the first time and up 5 percentage points from 25.2 percent in 2019.</li><li>Hawaiʻi Island hit 43.4 percent, compared to 34.7 percent in 2019. The gradual return of Puna Geothermal Venture, which came back online in November, will play a larger role in 2021; PGV shut down in May 2018 due to the Kīlauea eruption.</li><li>Total electricity generated by renewable energy resources increased 13 percent over 2019.</li></ul>
<p>“Reaching 30 percent on Oʻahu is especially significant, considering there is less land available for grid-scale projects and more businesses and homes using electricity,” Seu said. “That’s why having 36 percent of single-family homes using rooftop solar is such an important element of the renewable portfolio.”</p>
<p>Some of the factors that drove the year-over-year increase include:</p>
<ul><li>A full year of production from West Loch Solar and Clearway Energy grid-scale solar facilities</li><li>Increased production from private rooftop solar, with nearly 6,000 new systems coming online in 2020. There are 87,848 systems and 3.7 million solar panels, including rooftop and grid-scale facilities, producing electricity on the five island grids.</li><li>Higher wind production</li><li>Lower electricity use due to the COVID-19 pandemic</li></ul>
<p>The next RPS milestone required by state law is to reach 40 percent by 2030.</p>
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<p>By Laureen Peck, CMO, Solar Energy World</p>
<p>The truth is, not everyone qualifies for solar. For example, if you don’t have enough unshaded roof space or property to generate enough power to offset your electricity bills, then going solar wouldn’t be a smart thing to do. Fortunately for our environment and for our economy, there are millions of Americans who do qualify for solar and who already run their homes on sunshine. Millions more are planning to get a solar system installed this year.</p>
<p>However, there are also a lot of homeowners who could qualify for solar and all its benefits but have not taken the time to investigate going solar. Based on posts seen on Facebook and in other places, these are the top 5 reasons people who would otherwise qualify for solar decide it isn’t worth looking into. This article attempts to address these concerns and common misperceptions.</p>
<h4><strong>1) “Solar is too expensive!”</strong></h4>
<p>Not really. Some people have the idea that solar will cost too much so they don’t bother to get an estimate to find out if that’s true. The fact is, going solar today doesn’t have to cost you anything. With a $0 Down Solar PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) or Solar Lease a solar company can install solar panels on your home or property for no charge so you can lock in an electricity rate that is lower than your utility’s rate. You could end up paying 20-30% less for your electricity once your system is turned on. So if you are on a tight budget, this makes it much easier for you to run your home on sunshine. Most people don’t believe paying $0 to save money on utility costs is too expensive<em>.</em> </p>
<p>Of course, you can choose to own your solar system instead. In that case there is not a zero cost for the panels or installation, but you can start earning income from the excess energy your solar system produces so the return on investment is phenomenal. Plus, you could end up paying nothing for your electricity. Many homeowners who own their solar systems now have zero electricity bills. It’s typical for solar panel owners to save anywhere from 50-100% on utility costs after their solar system is up and running. </p>
<h4><strong>2) “Solar Panels are ugly.”</strong></h4>
<p>Some people have a bias against the appearance of solar panels. This can be overcome by making sure the solar panels you have installed are great-looking and are of the highest quality. There are many different styles of panels now, including all black that are very sleek looking. It is also very important that the solar company you hire has engineers on board who can design a system that will not only work efficiently but also look great. Plus, it’s vital that your solar installers are credentialed and experienced. This way, you won’t end up with shoddy-looking wiring showing for example. </p>
<p>If you still think the sleek looking panels are unattractive, there isn’t much that can be said to change your mind, but here’s a question we would like you to consider; <em>Would you rather have an ugly roof and a beautiful planet or a beautiful roof and an ugly planet?</em> The energy produced by solar panels is pollution-free which many solar-powered homeowners would agree are their loveliest feature. </p>
<h4>3) “<strong>Solar is a scam.”</strong></h4>
<p>Common sense could tell you this is just plain wrong. If solar did not work, there would not be millions of homeowners running their homes on solar electricity. </p>
<p>Of course, as in any industry, there will always be unscrupulous players, but the solar industry in America is solid. You just need to make sure you are hiring a top-rated solar installer. Do your research and get references. </p>
<h4>4) “<strong>Solar is killing jobs.”</strong></h4>
<p>This is a common misperception that has been intentionally shared and spread for years by fossil fuel industry leaders and politicians and pundits that are beholden to them.</p>
<p>In fact, the potential for residential and commercial solar to create green jobs locally and around the world is amazing. Today the solar industry employs more workers than oil, gas and coal combined. Rather than relying on machines like the coal industry does, solar relies on <em>labor</em>. The most recent census finds that the solar industry employs almost 375,000 people and that solar jobs are growing at over ten times the rate of the overall U.S. economy. These solar jobs include installation crews, salespeople, and corporate & administration positions.</p>
<h4>5) “<strong>My HOA won’t allow me to go solar.”</strong></h4>
<p>In most states today, this is false. According to DSIRE (Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency): “HOAs are barred from restricting a homeowner’s right to install solar panels. States which have laws that override any HOA contracts seeking to deny the right to install solar PV systems include: Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin.”</p>
<h2><strong>Could Home Solar</strong> <strong>Work for you?</strong></h2>
<p>Hopefully, if you are a homeowner who has been searching for a way to lower your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint but hasn’t looked into solar yet, the answers above to some of the most common misperceptions will help you make a more informed decision.</p>
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