GE to build substation for 415-MW solar complex in Brazil
Free solar filling station for electric vehicles for clients of the nearby supermarket.
Frankfurt Fechenheim
By on 2015-11-23 07:44:20 GE to build substation for 415-MW solar complex in Brazil

June 3 (Renewables Now) – General Electric Co (NYSE:GE) announced on Tuesday its unit Grid Solutions has signed a deal to implement a 500-kV turnkey substation for a 415-MW/474-MWp photovoltaic (PV) complex in Brazil.
The new substation will allow local firm Essentia Energia to feed into the grid the output of its Sol do Setao solar asset located in Oliveira de Brejinhos, Bahia state.
Under the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract, GE will install two 300-MVA power transformers as well as its grid automation and telecommunications system in addition to the 500-kV substation.
GE expects to complete the services and equipment installation works in the first quarter of 2021. Consisting of eight solar PV plants, Sol do Sertao’s commercial operation is scheduled for the second half of next year.
With over 5 GW of operational solar power plants, Brazil’s potential to generate solar energy is one of the highest in the world, GE pointed out.